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Superbolt™ mekaniska Tensioners Din upplevelse som kund hos Nord-Lock Group är det viktigaste för oss och vi står redo med all den tekniska support,  Samarbetet är ett strategiskt steg för Nord-Lock Group som ska I portföljen ingår Nord-Lock killåsningsbrickor, Expander ledaxlar, Superbolt  Vi og vores partnere opbevarer og/eller tilgår oplysninger, såsom cookies på en enhed, og behandler personoplysninger, såsom entydige identifikatorer og  Superbolt™ Tensioners Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners tar de höga kraven på förspänningar och bryter ned dem Fakta om Nord-Lock International AB. Med Nord-Lock Superbolt tensioners og Expansion bolts bliver jeres udfordringer med at spænde bolte i store dimensioner mindre. Superbolt tensioners. Nord-Lock Shop · Om Superbolt 德正神计划官网 st. Gå till kassan · Nord-Lock Group Insights [EX] New horizons with the Expander System  Både Superbolt spännelement och Nord-Lock multifunktionell killåsningsbricka ökar elasticiteten i förbandet och minimerar avmattning. SMÖRJNING ”Välj rätt  Boltight™ hydrauliska sträckningsverktyg | Kontakta Nord-Lock idag! Boltight har i över tio Superbolt™ Tensioners | Kontakta Nord-Lock!

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Sept. 2016 Superbolt-Spreizbolzen an der Flaschkupplung des Getriebes. Diese kompakte Lösung verursacht kaum zusätzliches Gewicht. Bild: Nord-Lock. Nord-Lock Group focuses on customers in all major industries with high demands on quality and safety where the consequences of bolt failure would be significant   9 Nov 2015 Pittsburgh, Pa (PRWEB) November 09, 2015 -- Nord-Lock, Inc. / Superbolt, Inc., a division of the Nord-Lock Group is pleased to announce it has  Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJTs) from Nord-Lock offer an innovative technology for tightening bolts & studs. Superbolt products have been proven and  All other bolt locking methods in the test failed to prevent loosening of the joint.

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Nord lock superbolt

Superbolt var först i världen att revolutionera muttrar och skruvar med tekniken för multi-jackbolt tensioners.

Nord-Lock Group focuses on customers in all major industries with high demands on quality and safety where the consequences of bolt failure would be significant   9 Nov 2015 Pittsburgh, Pa (PRWEB) November 09, 2015 -- Nord-Lock, Inc. / Superbolt, Inc., a division of the Nord-Lock Group is pleased to announce it has  Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJTs) from Nord-Lock offer an innovative technology for tightening bolts & studs. Superbolt products have been proven and  All other bolt locking methods in the test failed to prevent loosening of the joint. Nord-Lock washers are proven as a safe bolt securing system according to NASM  Nord-Lock Group Om Superbolt. Superbolt var först i världen att revolutionera muttrar och skruvar med tekniken för multi-jackbolt tensioners. Sedan dess har vår  Med Superbolt jackbolts kan du dra åt dina förband med hög noggrannhet utan att behöva specialkunskaper eller tunga verktyg.
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The nut body (2) spins on your existing bolt or stud and seats against the washer hand tight (Superbolt nut bodies are typically round).

Superbolt was the world’s first to revolutionize nuts and bolts with multi-jackbolt tensioning technology.
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Nord-Lock Group About Superbolt Superbolt was the world’s first to revolutionize nuts and bolts with multi-jackbolt tensioning (MJT) technology. Our technology has been proven in tens of thousands of successful installations and we continue to develop a multitude of solutions to solve the next generation of bolting challenges. Nord-Lock Group Om Superbolt Teknik Superbolt var först i världen att revolutionera muttrar och skruvar med tekniken för multi-jackbolt tensioners. Sedan dess har vår teknik visat sin styrka i tiotusentals framgångsrika installationer, och vi fortsätter att utveckla nya lösningar för att lösa nästa generations skruvutmaningar.

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Nord-Lock AB - Halabacken 180, Mattmar

Our technology has been proven in tens of thousands of successful installations and we continue to develop a multitude of solutions to solve the next generation of bolting challenges. Nord-Lock Group About Superbolt Products Tensioners Technical Guide Superbolt was the world’s first to revolutionize nuts and bolts with multi-jackbolt tensioning (MJT) technology. Our technology has been proven in tens of thousands of successful installations and we continue to develop a multitude of solutions to solve the next generation of bolting challenges. Nord-Lock wedge-locking technology secures bolted joints exposed to severe vibration and dynamic loads Superbolt technology eliminates unsafe and time-consuming bolting methods Boltight tensioning tools provide fast, accurate and safe tightening of multiple bolts simultaneously The Expander System provides a simple and cost-effective solution to lug wear Nord-Lock have many stock items that are available for immediate shipment, with the ability to handle custom jobs quickly. If you are experiencing bolting problems such as leakage, thread galling, unsafe working conditions or are using expensive methods and find it difficult to properly bolt your joint, Nord-Lock bolting technologies are the solution for you. Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJTs) from Nord-Lock offer an innovative technology for tightening bolts & studs. Superbolt products have been proven and established as a preferred solution for bolting in every major industry, all over the world.

Superbolt™ Tensioners Kontakt Nord-Lock - Dagens Handel

Siden har teknologien bevist sit værd i titus Superbolt multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJTs) from Nord-Lock offer an innovative technology for tightening bolts & studs. Superbolt products have been proven and established as a preferred solution for bolting in every major industry, all over the world. Our multi-jackbolt tensioners offer you simple and cost effective tightening, Superbolt - Nord-Lock • DNV (Det Norske Veritas) • GL (Germanischer Lloyd) • Siemens system audit Tack vare vår omfattande erfarenhet av skräddarsydda lösningar för särskilt komplicerade områden • ABS (American Bureau of Shipping) • TÜV • Lloyd’s Register • Vinçotte Kontakta ditt lokala Nord - Transcript Superbolt - Nord-Lock SWEDISH • SVENSKA Superbolt Multi-jackbolt tensioners (MJT) standardsortiment 2 Superbolts delade mutter med tryckfläns på en smidespress.

Since then, our range of innovative bolting technologies and expertise has grown to be the most comprehensive on the market, incorporating Superbolt mechanical tensioners, Boltight hydraulic tensioners and Expander System pivot pins. Nord-Lock washers utilizes tensioner to secure demanding applications that are subjected to vibration and dynamic loads.