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Plural for one who causes radical change. changers. converters. modernizers. modifiers.

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The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Specif. (Elec.), an apparatus for producing from a given electrical current another current of different voltage. Hook words of transformer. These are words formed by appending one letter to transformer. Extend an already existing word on the board.

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Lists. synonyms. similar meaning.

Another word for transformers

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Another word for transformers

Transform yourself: v A Word Processor allows you to create, edit and print documents. Discover Word Processing history & features now. A word processor is software or a device that allows users to create, edit, and print documents.

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A convenient arrangement. Medieval science. A point or way in which people or things are dissimilar. Transformer - proper noun: sentient, living species of robots (mostly) originating from the far-off mechanical planet of Cybertron (see: Cybertron); the title derives from the apparently inherent ability of most, if not all, of these robots to change their shapes and forms from a robotic primary mode (generally, but not always, humanoid in form) to an alternate mode (mostly mechanical, vehicle, weapon, or animal in appearance and function); historically, this species has usually been divided Find 17 ways to say TRANSFORMATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This types of transformers are used so that the ammeters of coils of another instruments are not directly connected to the high current lines or in another words current transformer step down the values by a known ratio so that it can be safely be recorded by a measurement device.

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. A machine or device, especially one that converts energy forms into mechanical energy. Plural for a machine or device, especially one that converts energy forms into mechanical energy. Plural for a person who introduces new methods, ideas, or products. Noun. .

Transformers textad på nytt språk! My Blog

A point or way in which people or things are dissimilar. Transformer - proper noun: sentient, living species of robots (mostly) originating from the far-off mechanical planet of Cybertron (see: Cybertron); the title derives from the apparently inherent ability of most, if not all, of these robots to change their shapes and forms from a robotic primary mode (generally, but not always, humanoid in form) to an alternate mode (mostly mechanical, vehicle, weapon, or animal in appearance and function); historically, this species has usually been divided Find 17 ways to say TRANSFORMATION, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This types of transformers are used so that the ammeters of coils of another instruments are not directly connected to the high current lines or in another words current transformer step down the values by a known ratio so that it can be safely be recorded by a measurement device. Transformer-Energized Megawatt Pulsed Output; Transformer-Limited Fault; Transformer-Rectifier; Transformer-rectifier Line Contactor; Transformer-rectifier Transfer Contactor; Transformers; Transformers; Transformers; Transformers; Transformers; Transformers (electrical) Transformers (electrical) Transformers (electrical) Transformers (electrical) Synonyms (Other Words) for Transformers & Antonyms (Opposite Meaning) for Transformers. What is another word for transforms?

Synonyms for transformed. alchemized, converted, made over, metamorphosed, transfigured, transmuted, transposed, transubstantiated. spark - noun: a Transformer's life force or "soul", said to be a part of the essence of Primus; non-Transformer robots/electronic devices are apparently capable of being given a spark Sparkbound (v.) - The act at which two Transformers decided to become more than friends, binding them for life; kind of like the equivalent to a human 'marriage'. In NLP this is commonly achieved by replacing words by synonyms based on dictionaries or translating to a different language and back 1. This post explores a different approach.