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Both of Boras’s top pitching clients, Strasburg and Cole, beat most of the industry’s projections for their contracts, with Strasburg’s new Nationals deal validating his decision last month to opt
The namesake agency of Scott Boras, the world’s most powerful sports agent, Boras Corporation added almost a billion dollars to its bottom line this year, with more than $3.2 billion in active
While losing the Gerrit Cole sweepstakes can be devastating to the Angels and Dodgers, there is an opportunity to acquire other highly regarded Boras clients such as Anthony Rendon. If you're the
Washington pitcher Max Scherzer, among three Boras clients on the union’s eight-man executive subcommittee, issued a statement late Wednesday night saying “there’s no need to engage with MLB in any further compensation reductions.” Boras cited the purchase of the Chicago Cubs by the Ricketts family and the redevelopment of Wrigley Field.
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He and his clients have gotten lucky that the right teams were 13 Nov 2019 When asked if any of his high-profile clients might sign before mid-January, Boras said, "I think all of them have the possibility of signing much 11 Mar 2018 The super-agent's clients -- most notably Mike Moustakas -- were among those who lost big in the free-agent market this winter. 10 Dec 2019 Before flapping his gums about the specifics of his pursuits on behalf of his clients, Boras showed off his legal background by showing off his 27 Dec 2019 And for decades, the Blue Jays avoided Boras clients like they were radioactive. But in the waning months of 2019, detente set in. Two days 19 Dec 2019 Looking ahead: With clients like 2019 NL Cy Young runner-up Hyun Jin Ryu, 2015 AL Cy Young winner Dallas Keuchel and OF Nick Castellanos 14 Nov 2019 The Boras Corporation is not the only agency, though, that has substantial For the 2018 season, Boras had 61 MLB clients with single and 12 Dec 2019 Scott Boras recently had three clients sign contracts worth a staggering $824 million. This includes which includes Anthony Rendon signing a 4 Dec 2010 A list of Boras's clients as of early 1992 included: Jim Abbott P Angels; Patrick Lennon OF Mariners; Sandy Alomar Jr. C Indians; Mark Lewis SS 9 Feb 2018 It costs $10M just to make eye contact with a Boras client.
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