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De största tankarna i världen, utformade och belägna i metallen
2K Views. Armament: 2 x 280 mm The P.1000 Ratte, nicknamed the Landkreuzer by designer Edward Grotte, was to be the largest tank ever manufactured with a projected weight of two million Oct 31, 2018 So, The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte was a design for a super-heavy tank Edward Grotte in June 1942, who had already named it Landkreuzer. 1:144 WWII Heavy Battle Tank Landkreuzer P1000 Ratte [Proto type]&Panzer VIII Maus 3 in 1. Quickly check the current, and average price of new and used landkreuzer p 1000 ratte model kit on eBay. Includes sold listings.
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The tank was to be a thousand tons in weight, and would be armed with one the left over main gun turrets from the refitting of a battleship. Projecto/projet/project : Landkreuzer P1000 "Ratte" (1'000 toneladas/tonnes/tons) The Landkreuzer P.1000 "Ratte" is a super-heavy Nazi land-ship tank. It seems to have a power to match KV-44M or at least KV-6. History [edit | edit source] Hitler and his Nazis thought about making the Ratte construction plan real, but would end up destroying bridges for some time. Thankfully, Albert Speer decided to cancel the project instead. Takom have been really busy – they are getting very active in the model scene with lots of great unique releases.
Foton Stridsvagnar Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte Grå 3D grafik
128 betyg. 1946 Landkreuzer P1000 Ratte. Beskrivning Cancelled in 1943, who knows how the Ratte would have fared against the Allies in alternate reality! Ratte var för tung för att köras utanför sin specialgjorda betongramp.
P-1000 -
The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte compared to the Panzer VIII Maus by Zaleski007. This image above is to show you the sheer size that the concept would behold if it ever would have been built and also comparing it to the Maus tank which is still the biggest tank the German military has built to this date. As the beginning of the war swept over Europe, with lightening speed, Hitler felt invincible, at least for the first two years of the war. He was known for his megalomaniac ambitions, but the most telling example of his unrestrained hubris was endorsing the Landkreuzer P.1000, which he nicknamed The Rat (Ratte). P.1000 Ratte LandKreuzer cutted (KPG593JQN) by leslie on Shapeways.
Drawings and drafts ran under the designation OKH order no. 30404 and E-30404/1 which were presented in December 1942. Landkreuzer P-1000 Ratte (Landkryssare P-1000 Råttan) var ett tyskt stridsvagnsprojekt under andra världskriget som stannade på ritbordet.
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Projects. Modelcollect Landcruiser P.1000 Ratte. 1:72.
2021-01-17 · It is recommended to name the SVG file "Comparison of Landkreuzer P 1000 Ratte, Maus and Tiger tanks.svg" – then the template Vector version available (or Vva) does not need the new image name parameter.
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The Story Of The Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte - Hitlers 1000
Mar 28, 2020 Landkreuzer Ratte for Iron Cross - This is the first ReconCornerthat will bring Ironcross together with Hotwar and bring you an “alternative” Dec 14, 2017 From this obsession were also born the projects for P1000 and P1500. Landkreuzer P.1000 "Ratte".
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Super-Heavy Gatling Tank - Pinterest
The Landkreuzer P.1000 "Ratte" (translating to "Rat") was a proposed super-heavy tank design of the German Krupp concern with origins in 1942.
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men dom byggde aldrig klart den. en forskare vid namn albrecht Parallellt med Ratte levererade Krupp-direktören Grotte ritningar till en annan och ännu större stridsvagn – Landkreuzer P.1500 Monster. Detta vidunder skulle Karl-Gerät (с 540-мм (041) и с 600-мм (040)) · Krupp-Großtraktor Nr. 43 und 44 (Großtraktor III) · Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger · Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte. Men of War Assualt Squad 2 - Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte Gameplay - 15 Minutes.
He designed a 1000tons (984ton) vehicle that impressed Hitler .