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W&N D.Gouache Perylene Black - Panduro

All‐Polymer Photonic Microcavities Doped with Perylene Bisimide J‐Aggregates. P Lova, V Grande Black GaAs by metal-assisted chemical etching. P Lova, V  12 feb. 2020 — Carbon black, CI 77266) Carbon black (kallas också CI 77266 eller i enstaka fall sot) kan beroende på Benzo[g,h,i]perylene *. 191-24-2.

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General information; Classification & Labelling & PBT assessment; Manufacture, use & exposure Gouachefärg av hög kvalitet med god täckförmåga. Designers Gouache är ljusäkta och mycket pigmentstarka. Ger efter torkning en matt täckande yta. De 90 kulörerna har mycket god blandbarhet sinsemellan och kan blandas med akvarellfärg. Perylene displays blue fluorescence. It is used as a blue-emitting dopant material in OLEDs, either pure or substituted. Perylene can be also used as an organic photoconductor.

Oljefärg W&N Artist 37ml Perylene black 505 - Artistica

Azul Intenso. If you want to add atmospheric or emotional punch to your work, then squeeze some transparent Perylene Green onto your palette. It exhibits an almost black  Black Phosphorus, Boron Nitride, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides.

Perylene black

W&N Artists' Oil 37ml Perylene Black s1 - IN-EX

Perylene black

It exhibits an almost black  Paliogen® Black L 0086 is a perylene black for infrared-transparent coatings. The Colour Index is Pigment Black 32 | 71133. This product is suitable for The production of hypericins in two selected Hypericum perforatum shoot cultures is related to differences in black gland structure. Plant Physiol Biochem.

Till kassan. BLUE BLACK 034. 0. BRIGHT RED 042 IVORY BLACK 331.
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Tub 14 ml - Perylene black 505 EC number: 479-300-2 | CAS number: - . General information; Classification & Labelling & PBT assessment; Manufacture, use & exposure Gouachefärg av hög kvalitet med god täckförmåga. Designers Gouache är ljusäkta och mycket pigmentstarka. Ger efter torkning en matt täckande yta.

Coatings & Plastics Sicopal ® Black L 0095 Inorganic Inorganic Fe/Cr MMO / PBr29 Reflective (>1120nm) Inks & Printing Paliogen ® Black S 0084 Organic Perylene / PBk 31 Transparent (>730nm) Electronic Specialties Irgaphor ® Black S 0100CF Organic Lactone / PBk -- Transparent (>780nm) Functional Black Pigment Solutions Perylene (LXX) is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) that has been extensively reported in recent river sediment, marine, and lake environments as well as in peats (e.g., Wakeham et al., 1979).Other reported sources occur in fossil crinoids (Blumer, 1965), immature crude oils, coals (Wilcke et al., 2002), and OM-rich shales (Jiang et al., 2000). PERYLENE BLACK, Wholesale Various High Quality PERYLENE BLACK Products from Global Sodium Tripolyphosphate Suppliers and PERYLENE BLACK Factory,Importer,Exporter at Okchem.com. Use: Paint,Coating,Plastic,Fiber Packing: 10kg,25kg bags with pallets/10kg,25kg drums Perylene Black is a strong black pigment.
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Perylene Maroon 507, W&N Professional akvarell - WS & Co

Läst 2 april 2016  Oliefarve i kunstner kvalitet, finde i 120 farver. Lysægte farve med højt farvepigment.

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543 Purple Madder Ersätter  532074 0000050904686 084 Cadmium green pale 4 532010 0000050904051 505 Perylene black 1 531910 0094376940336 086 Cadmium lemon 4 532011  Perylene Green, Perylene Maroon och Perylene Violet. Övriga nya Bone black. PBk9. 77267. 460. Perylene Green. 4.