2004 - Unionpedia


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m 2440. beat 2440. sweetie 2439. mention 2434.

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SPECTRE FLEET'S 20b ISK CHRISTMAS EVE GIVEAWAY! - in In-Game Events and Gatherings [original thread] Happy Holidays Everyone! Later today, December 24th, Spectre Fleet will be giving away over 20b ISK in prizes! “Jayne Fillon (Spectre Fleet) and Tyrrax Thorrk (Guiding Hand Social Club) + CCPers announced as #EVEVegas speakers https://t.co/dXklNZpJ3r” Jayne Fillon: 1,772 ships destroyed and 275 ships lost. Spectre Fleet Alliance: 20:43 38.25m-0.6 BWF-ZZ. To celebrate zKillboard's addition to the Eve Online My name is Jayne Fillon, and I've been playing this wonderful game without pause since early 2012.

2004 - Unionpedia

We list not only our dedicated community but almost all of EvE’s PvP NPSI fleets. 2015-10-12 · The popularity of Spectre Fleet’s roams grew. Now nearly two years later Jayne Fillon is an elected Council of Stellar Management representative who ran on the platform of promoting NPSI groups, Spectre Fleet has formed an out of EvE gaming community with (according to their website) 150 Staff and over 7,000 members. Spectre Fleet takes out a longbow fleet and fucks about with Brave Newbies.

Jayne fillon from eve online and spectre fleet

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Jayne fillon from eve online and spectre fleet

Ship balancing in EVE is primarily in the hands of three devs and as a result so far you wouldn't have much to say Jayne Fillon of Spectre Fleet and Tyrrax Thorrk of Guiding Hand Social Club join a ton of CCP devs as the first announced Vegas speakers.

Feb 28, 2014 The first fleet was led by Jayne Fillon.
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SF spectre spectre-fleet NPSI PVP eve eve-online NPSI gaming fleet eve-pvp Fleet comp 6 Moas (upgraded to 250MM fits) / 6 Caracals /5 Osprey /1 Bubbler /1 Bwoosher /1 prober /3 EW SPT & TACKLE /2 links BC - if we exceed 25 ppl we will not be filamenting unfortunately, will just roam via Thera depending on connections. Spectre Fleets, meanwhile, rarely go above 50 except on weekends, which gives pilots a more active role in a fleet and encourages other groups to engage more often. Despite its infancy, Spectre Fleet has already developed a strong, passionate community. As long as capsuleers continue loving making each other explode, it'll continue to grow. My name is Jayne Fillon, and I've been playing this wonderful game without pause since early 2012.

This is still the same convo that I know I’m going to be on the record for. 2014-01-16 · Jayne Fillon > bombers in his fleet, he logged off leaving the rest of the fleet in some random nullsec system. No one else in fleet really knew what they were supposed to do, some suggested self destructing, others exclaimed they were going to try and make it back… 2019-04-26 · Spectre Fleet is aimed at providing easily accessible PVP to anyone from anywhere, at any time.
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2015-10-12 · The popularity of Spectre Fleet’s roams grew. Now nearly two years later Jayne Fillon is an elected Council of Stellar Management representative who ran on the platform of promoting NPSI groups, Spectre Fleet has formed an out of EvE gaming community with (according to their website) 150 Staff and over 7,000 members.

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EVE Vegas includes developer and player presentations, live demos and tournaments, virtual reality experiences and the legendary EVE Vegas party at the Chateau Nightclub - all in celebration of the EVE universe and those who inhabit it. Spectre Fleet is a group and ingame channel where you can simply join any of the listed fleets for pew, no matter who you're from or who that fleet is going to be against.

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staying 2443. short 2440. m 2440. beat 2440. sweetie 2439.

Like many, the sandbox nature of EVE was overwhelming to me at first, and I struggled to find my place in New Eden. After a very brief stint in highsec running missions, I joined a small PvP corp in Syndicate, only to be robbed soon after joining. My name is Jayne Fillon, and I've been playing this wonderful game without pause since early 2012. Like many, the sandbox nature of EVE was overwhelming to me at first, and I struggled to find my place in New Eden. After a very brief stint in highsec running missions, I joined a small PvP corp in Syndicate, only to be robbed soon after joining.