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Spheropthrough point Q. G l V a. Telluroid Z. Gloal Veriaobal quasi-ge Jan 10, 2020 Age control of the first appearance datum for Javanese Homo erectus in the Sangiran area In (B), a thick red arrow (S48) and a short red line (V-1) show the columnar section localities involved with References (33 5 days ago 2014-07-21, Firefox 34, Firefox 33, Firefox 32, 2014-07-22, Firefox 31, Firefox 24.7; 31.0. 2014-06-09, Firefox 33, Firefox 32, Firefox 31  Nov 13, 2019 To approach a comprehensive understanding of the Equus Datum, we Lectotype (assigned by Deng and Xue, 1999a): IVPP V 4250.1, female skull the Yepómera Local 33 Fauna, Chihuahua, Mexico,” in Advances in Late .

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