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22-29. Chihuahua. 1-3. Cocker Spaniel. 12-16.

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The Golden Retriever Irish Setter Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Golden Retriever and the Irish Setter. This is going to be a large and friendly dog that will probably have a ton of energy and point at every bird in sight. They should be good with the family and other pets - if properly socialized! This mixed breed is a cross between a Gordon Setter and another breed of canine. Depending on the other dog the Gordon Setter is mixed with, the result can influence temperament, adaptability, and a number of other characteristics. It is important to gain knowledge about both breeds to determine what to expect.

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Sara Leppänen. Vimsa. Flatcoated Retriever.

Retriever setter mix

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Retriever setter mix

Däremot har raser som golden retriever,  Golden Retriever kom in tidigt i mitt liv, redan 1972, och jag blev rasen trogen fram enstaka kullar med Mellanpudel, Irländsk Setter och Lagotto Romagnolo.

The Golden retriever Irish setter mixed dog is an affectionate and lively breed you get as the result of mixing two pure breeds, the Golden retriever and the Irish Setter, the offspring is also known as the Golden Irish. The golden Irish is a medium to large hybrid mixed dog breed known to inherit it’s impeccable physical and behavioral traits from 2018-09-19 · The Lab Setter mix is a cross between two family favorites—the Labrador Retriever and the Irish Setter. Intelligent, playful, and full of love, the Lab Setter Mix is sure to make a wonderful crossbreed for the right person. 2021-02-16 · The Labrador Retriever, Irish Setter mix, is a medium-sized dog with a double coat that does need grooming once or twice a week to keep it in nice condition. The Lab Irish Setter mix is an intelligent and trainable breed that generally gets along well with everyone, provided you socialize and train your pup correctly from day one.
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All dogs need proper socialization and Border Collie & Golden Retriever mix (AKA Golden Collie) Inheriting their parents’ best qualities, a … The Golden Retriever Irish Setter Mix is a mixed breed dog resulting from breeding the Golden Retriever and the Irish Setter. This is going to be a large and friendly dog that will probably have a ton of energy and point at every bird in sight. They should be good with the family and other pets - if properly socialized! The Golden Irish cross is a cross between a Golden Retriever and an Irish Setter. This cross gives us a hybrid dog that has the best of both breeds.

7. Irish Setter & Golden Retriever mix (AKA Golden Irish) Meet the Irish Setter & Golden Retriever mix. The Golden Irish is impressively agile, especially considering its size. As adults, these canines stand 22-26 inches (56-66 cm) tall and weigh 60-75 pounds (27-34 kg).
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Bekijk snel ons   26 Mar 2021 Check out these gorgeous Golden Retriever / Irish Setter mix puppies! Their dam is a Golden Retriever named Sandy, and their sire is an ACA  12 Oct 2020 See Top 10 Amazing Irish Setter Cross BreedsSubscribe for latest updates : https :// #crossbreeds #IrishSetterMixes Follow on  This sweet Golden Retriever/Irish Setter Mix puppy is looking for their FURever family!!

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Source . 8. Red Setter + Golden Retriever = Golden Setter. Source . 9. 19. Chow & Golden Retriever mix (AKA Golden Chow Retriever) Meet the Chow Chow & Golden Retriever mix.

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She loves her new brother Tommy, a 5 year old Irish setter/golden mix, and  Breeding a pointer and labrador retriever together brings about many questions about how to care for them and what they're like. The two fun-loving and… Golden Retriever / Setter Mischlinge Sharka u. Aktuelle Anzeigen zu Deiner Suche (golden retriever) Labrador/Golden Retriever Welpen (Warendorf) Dogge-Rhodesian Ridgeback- (Bielefeld) Labrador -Mix Welpen Edel Mix Welpen. Sale OFF 73% > irish setter golden retriever mix for sale Looking for a cheap store online? We are here has the hottest pieces & biggest sellers, so click this way  Ich habe einen Golden Retriever x Gordon Setter Mix und stelle mir natürlich die Frage, wie die Hunde so sind.

Bläddra bland flera Engelsk setter till salu för att hitta en som passar just dig. Blandras: Wolfdog Shilohmix. 12500 kr. 28e dec Raser. Labrador retriever German Shepherd Mix; Irländsk Setter Mix; Husky Mix; Rottweiler Mix; Gul Chow Chow Mix; Shitzu Mix; Shepherd Mix; Chihuahua Mix; Golden Retriever Mix  Huvud › Dutchess den Blind Golden Retriever ser ingenting annat än kärlek Video: Sweet Point's Setter Tales (S2, E6) Puppies Journey 2021, Mars Misfit den Blind Doberman är vårt måndagsmirakel; Adora Pit Bull Mix håller inga ont för  Ladda ner svart labrador retriever valp lagerfoto. Välj mellan söt shih tzu matlese mix valp foto gordon setter valp står med sin rosa halsband och koppel foto. Goberian (Golden Retriever, Siberian Husky) Gordie (Pembroke welsh corgi, Golden Retriever) Goldendoodle (Pudel, Golden Retriever).