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Be Unique. Yes, this question is all about how you’re unique, but it’s all too easy to fall into less than unique answers that your interviewer has already heard a million times. Instead of saying “I’m a really hard worker,” say “I’m driven to complete a task, no matter how difficult.” 2014-01-30 · A unique selling proposition is a well-thought-out statement that helps a company distinguish itself from other businesses in its category. In most instances, companies will focus on a single feature or benefit that solves a problem, satisfies a need, or takes away their customers' pain as their USP. The Excel UNIQUE function can extract a list of distinct values, or a list of values that only occur once, i.e. unique values. It can return a unique or distinct list from one column or from multiple columns.

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This makes sense since the phrase "a unique example", for example, 60 synonyms of unique from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 78 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for unique. Unique to is an established expression. "Not unique to Australia" means "occurs not only in Australia, but other places too". Unique for is not an established expression, but there's nothing wrong with it. I would interpret "not unique for Australia" as "as far as Australia is concerned, this is not unique", or more simply "this occurs more than once in Australia".

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HERE are many translated example sentences containing "A UNIQUE NAME"  Unique Projects & Misc. Gallery.

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2020-06-03 · The tutorial looks at how to get unique values in Excel by using the UNIQUE function and dynamic arrays. You will learn a simple formula to find unique values in a column or row, in multiple columns, based on conditions, and a lot more. Unique definition is - being the only one : sole.

Being Unique Quotes. Being Unique Quotes. Looking for more words of wisdom from inspirational women? Sign up for our  Unique[] generates a new symbol, whose name is of the form $nnn. Unique[x] generates a new symbol, with a name of the form x$nnn. Unique[{x, y, . Buy Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality on Amazon.com ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.
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It comes from a Latin word meaning "one, " and it means "having no equal" or "being the only one of its type."  2233743 This is unique. CK 1 2892607 What makes it so unique? CK 1 388322 These flowers have a unique smell. CK 1 2094643 Everyone is unique. May 19, 2016 “Unique” singles out one of a kind.

unique toBelonging or connected to (one particular person, place, or thing) ‘a style of architecture that is unique to Portugal’. More example sentences. The definition of unique is one of a kind. An example of unique is a necklace with a personalized message on the charm.

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A key is a data column, or several columns, that are forced to be unique with a constraint, either primary key or explicitly defined unique constraint. On a purely intuitive level, the red car in 1921 is unique; in 2001, it is more unique, and in 2051, it is most unique. (Or, in the alternative, "very unique.") Because that’s they way we think about language, and the common usage proves that is the case.

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In the case of "unique", it starts with the non-vowel sound "y" and thus "a unique" is the preferred choice. This makes sense since the phrase "a unique example", for example, Any unique quality that you bring up should make the interviewer feel secure. Like you're trying to answer the question in a way that appeals to the job. Meaning, don't answer with anything negative. Should I mentioned my skills and abilities in tandem?

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A sea-to-land transition or vice versa would be unique among green, red, and brown algae (Graham and Wilcox, 2000). Unique among cancer-causing agents, the danger of tobacco is completely preventable through proven public policies. a unique talent; The deal will put the company in a unique position to export goods to Eastern Europe. He brings a unique combination of skills to this project.

But being a person who always seeks out understanding, I am elated to find a great explanation. Thank you Mr. Elf. Now I'm off to explore why it is "an hour" and not "a hour". - LOL Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 9:20:00 AM PDT The word unique is pronounced 'yoo nique' and due to that sound its like the word begins with a y. As a result we write "a unique" instead of "an unique". Some other examples include; a university, an umbrella, a usual day, an unusual day.