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Possible MER meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Please look for them carefully. MER Stands For: Mal de mer definition is - seasickness. Post the Definition of mal de mer to Facebook Share the Definition of mal de mer on Twitter Egyptian Name for Pyramid - 'Mer" The hieroglyphics that were used to describe these structures in Egypt are translated as the word 'mer'.The word that we use, 'pyramid', is from the Greek 'pyramis' (pl.pyrmides), wheaten cake. For MER we have found 273 definitions.

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par la mer meaning Charles Trenet - La mer (Officiel) [Live Version] Sur scène et en public, "The mal de mer seems to be merely the effect of agitation. When you invest in a fund, like a mutual fund or an ETF (exchange-traded fund), there's a fee associated with the investment. This fee is called an MER (  Did you find this definition of MER, or MERE helpful? You can share it by copying the code below and adding it to your blog or web page.

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Mer meaning

Health MER abbreviation meaning defined here. What does MER stand for in Health? Get the top MER abbreviation related to Health. -mer definition, a combining form meaning “member of a particular group”: isomer. See more. Meaning; MER: Merrill Lynch (stock symbol) MER: Management Expense Ratio: MER: Management Economie en Recht (Dutch) MER: Medical Examiner's Report (insurance) MER: Middle East Region (Society of Petroleum Engineers) MER: Main Equipment Room (various organizations) MER: For mer we have found 273 definitions.

What is the meaning of MER? The meaning of the MER is also explained earlier. Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of MER. What does MER mean? is explained earlier. English Translation of “mer” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online.
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For mer we have found 273 definitions. What does MER mean?

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*MER- Meaning: "to rub away, harm." Possibly identical with the root *mer- that means "to die" and forms words… See definitions of *mer-. -mer: ( mer ), 1. Chemical suffix attached to a prefix such as mono-, di-, poly-, tri-, etc., to indicate the smallest unit of a repeating structure, for example Mal de mer definition is - seasickness. Post the Definition of mal de mer to Facebook Share the Definition of mal de mer on Twitter For MER we have found 273 definitions.; What does MER mean? We know 273 definitions for MER abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories.

-mer: ( mer ), 1. Chemical suffix attached to a prefix such as mono-, di-, poly-, tri-, etc., to indicate the smallest unit of a repeating structure, for example Mal de mer definition is - seasickness. Post the Definition of mal de mer to Facebook Share the Definition of mal de mer on Twitter For MER we have found 273 definitions.; What does MER mean? We know 273 definitions for MER abbreviation or acronym in 8 categories. Possible MER meaning as an acronym, abbreviation, shorthand or slang term vary from category to category. Mer edith , var.