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She is quite outspoken about the talent of the students she teaches; other Aia Arria with potential, she sees the other students as a waste of time. Pantea Ateia is very upset with Larina who stole a very old flute selling it to a necromancer. Summary: Bethesda Game Studios' blockbuster open-world RPG puts players on the precipice of determining the future of Skyrim as the Empire waits for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born Se hela listan på elderscrolls.fandom.com Back in the Bards College, Pantea will be overwhelmed with joy and will teach you a few tricks she learned while playing for the Winterhold wizards, specifically a one-point boost to all your Magic skills, including Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, and Restoration. 2015-04-26 · Find Pantea's Flute. After speaking with Pantea, a new map/quest marker is added to the world map showing the location of Hob's Fall Cave. The Dragonborn simply needs to travel to the cave (or find it, if it has not already been found), clear any obstacles in the way and pick up Pantea's Flute .

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A subreddit dedicated to the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. 2012-02-09 Quick Walkthrough. Talk to Pantea at the Bards College.; Travel to Hob's Fall Cave and find her missing flute.; Return to Pantea for your reward. Detailed Walkthrough Talking to Pantea.

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Walkthrough. Speak to Pantea at the Bards College. Go to Hob's Fall Cave and locate her missing flute. Return to Pantea for reward.

Skyrim pantea

Steams gemenskap :: Film :: [GMOK] - 021 - Skyrim Playthrough

Skyrim pantea

Go to Hob's Fall Cave and locate her missing flute.

Hopefully the Dragonborn can retrieve it. Pantea's Flute After completing Tending the Flames find and speak with Pantea Ateia, Master Vocalist with Bards College.She is angry about the theft of her flute by one of her students, Larina. Larina sold the Pantea's Flute is a quest available in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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Pantea Ateia is an Imperial who joined the Solitude Bards College. She comes from a very long line of Flute players and is very experienced herself. They have all shared the same flute as well. I find a flute for a member of the bard's college.

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Rewards: Gives you +1 skill point for every Magic skills (Destruction, Conjuration, Illusion, Restoration, Alteration, and  Nov 17, 2011 Now I can't give the lady Pantea's Flute and although I completed the Finn's Lute objective and received my reward, it is still stuck in my inventory  Feb 3, 2017 Name: Pantea Race: Custom Imperial Skyrim Mods Follower Hoarders A: Pantea's body is just a tweaked SeveNBase preset. Q: What are  Jul 19, 2019 Back in the Bards College, Pantea will be overwhelmed with joy and will teach you a few tricks she learned while playing for the Winterhold  2.1 Talking to Pantea; 2.2 Hob's Fall Cave; 2.3 Finding the Flute; 3 Notes; 4 Bugs; 5 Quest Skyrim:Pantea Ateia Skyrim; Diskussion; Lesen; Quelltext anzeigen;  Detailed Walkthrough [] Talking to Pantea []. From Skyrim Wiki. After having successfully helped the Bards College convince the Jarl to reinstate the festival of the  11 apr 2021 Bra liberal session Steam Community :: Video :: [GMOK] - 020 - Burning of Effigy/ Pantea's Flute - Skyrim Playthrough; majoritet svek Rockring  On this page of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim we have prepared a detailed walkthrough of Find Pantea's Flute side quest.It's one of side quests offered  On this page of our guide to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim we have prepared a detailed walkthrough of Find Pantea's Flute side quest.

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Sign In. Register. Pantea's Flute.

Dominerande Aktiva Nationell skyrim pantea s flute - coloringlives.org

Now she will not accept it from me, and it says I still need to go find it. What do I do now? Is this a glitch?

Reward. Permanent +1 to each Magic skills . Walkthrough. Speak to Pantea at the Bards College.