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In our time. BBC Radio 4. BBC:s podcast om historia, filosofi, kultur, religion och  Läs artikeln på Svenska Dagbladet (2016-05-01 Podcasten Historia Nu är en historiepodd som varje vecka intervjuar historiker, journalister, författare och  Lyssna på podcast med iTunes. poddar med iPhone iTunes. I en iPhone kan du använda appen i iTunes Store för att hitta poddar. Det finns  Vegas sommarpratare podcast. Barbro Teir 2016.

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Der er kun to krav til historierne: De skal have fundet sted Telling stories is part of what makes us human, so the history of podcasting is really part of the bigger picture history of mankind's progress in storytelling. It's useful to know where things came from if you want to know where they're going, so let's dive in. Also - stick around at the end for a nice infographic summarising podcasting history. 00:46:05 - Episode 499 with Dana Sajdi & Chris Gratien hosted by Meryum Kazmi and Harry Bastermajian In this collaboration between the Harvard Islamica Pod… 2015-05-04 Blubrry’s Todd Cochrane and Mike Dell interviewed Curry this week as part of International Podcast Day. Curry, known as The Podfather, is credited along with Dave Winer, with creating podcasting.. He also co-hosts The Best Podcast in The Universe, with John C. Dvorak, No Agenda.If you are not a listener to their twice-a-week show you’re missing out on 6 hours of free lessons per week on 301 Moved Permanently.

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The runner-ups for “word of the year” in 2005. Podcasting continued to grow over the next decade — the percentage of Americans who had heard the term “podcasting” increased from 22% in Radio played its part, they say, but true podcasting was about anyone being able to put themselves and their content out there: its history is about those connections, not about early MP3 players Historical timeline of podcasting events, people and milestones. 2021-09-30 16:00:00.

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feb 2020 Amagers historie som podcast - med et tilskud fra blandt andet Tårnby Kommune har historiker, journalist og amagerkaner Majken Astrup  Écouter Den gang da - Historie og samfunn podcast - Lettbeint historiepodcast om Logo du podcast Episode 56 - Pest og kolera: Epidemienes historie  14.

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Programledare är Martin Hårdstedt, professor i historia med breda kunskaper i ämnet, och Peter Bennesved, fil  Tisdag 12 november är det premiär för Militärhistoriepodden. Bakom satsningen står det livaktiga förlaget Historiska Media i Lund. – Sedan  Dags för avsnitt 12. Mycket nöje!

Min Historie er en podcast, hvor helt almindelige mennesker fortæller om deres tro på Jesus i hverdagen. Min Histori‪e‬ KBH Frikirke. Christianity.