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A valued news source for Dutch people in the city and across the nation. 2021-04-15 · The Recorder - newspaper of the Montgomery County Region of New York and your best source for local news and information. News Break provides latest and breaking local industry news in Amsterdam, NY, information about local crop and live-stock farming, energy industry, real estate, infrastructure and all other industries. Amsterdam police charge man following weekend stabbing Montgomery County deputies looking for vandalism suspect Sen. Schumer discusses restaurant relief during Amsterdam visit Amsterdam, New York, is a small city of about 19,000 residents in upstate, NY. The City's proximity to the beautiful Mohawk River, recreational events, waterfront and downtown areas make The City of Amsterdam an exciting and diverse place to live. New York State Route 30, a north-south highway called Market Street in part, crosses the Mohawk River to link the main part of Amsterdam to the New York State Thruway.
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