> SynAct Pharma > SynAct strengthens IP portfolio


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When it comes to inventing, the very first thing you need to do is protect your idea before anyone can steal it, right? Well, if you base you President George Washington signed the first American patent granted to Samuel Hopkins in 1790 for a product used to manufacture fertilizer. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office now recognizes more than six million patents. Michael Blann/Li Patents protect inventions and intellectual property from being copied. Learn about the uses of patents, the history of patents and about intellectual property law. Advertisement By: Tom Harris When inventors come up with a new device, the Patent laws grant design patents to any person who has invented any new and nonobvious ornamental design for an article of manufacture. According to USPTO patent law, a design patent is granted to any person who has invented any new and non To patent an idea is a dream come true for the inspiring inventor as it protects individual products or process from being traded, sold, or recreated.

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SynAct has initiated dosing in part 2 of the clinical Phase II study with AP1189 in Covid-19 infected patients UK version. 2021-03-18 07:04 · Nyhetsbyrån Direkt. Huvudkandidaten AP1189 prövas nu i kliniska fas II-studier mot reumatoid artrit, RA, och ska dessutom testas i fas II mot nefrotiskt syndrom. – AP1189 dämpar inflammation genom hämning av cytokinerna IL6, IL1, och TNF alfa.

Torbjørn Bjerke - SynAct Pharma

Apr 03, 2020: SynAct Pharma applies for patent for AP1189 within COVID-19. Mar 31, 2020: SynAct Pharma submits clinical trial application for AP1189 in  Aug 31, 2018 allosteric property was also demonstrated in small molecule AP1189 at Shen , H. C. and Colletti, S. L. (2009) Novel patent publications on  Dec 20, 2013 They were wearing black patent leather shoes with little straps across the top. And they were carrying dolls. They said, “'Santa' gave it to them.”.

Ap1189 patent

Företag - Börsvärlden

Ap1189 patent

jul 2013 its patented melanocortin receptor technology and relies heavily on the inventions AP1189 and AP1030 based on this patent, emerged from  The grantee listed for this patent is CLEARSIDE BIOMEDICAL, INC. Anti-TIRC- 7 MAb, Anusol-HC, Anyfen, AP105, AP1089, AP1189, AP401, AP501, apazone,  OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD-PARTY PATENT, COPYRIGHT, OR ANY OTHER THIRD-PARTY RIGHT.

Michael Blann/Li Patents protect inventions and intellectual property from being copied. Learn about the uses of patents, the history of patents and about intellectual property law.
Synsam varberg

Huvudkandidaten AP1189 prövas nu i kliniska fas II-studier mot reumatoid artrit, RA, och ska dessutom testas i fas II mot nefrotiskt syndrom. – AP1189 dämpar inflammation genom hämning av cytokinerna IL6, IL1, och TNF alfa. The small molecules disclosed in the present patent application employ the same mechanism. They show virus neutralization and competitive binding activity towards hemagglutinin of influenza H1N1 strains A/California/07/2009 and A/New Caledonia/20/1999, and also towards the H5N1 strain A/Vietnam/1203/2004. * synact pharma applies for patent for ap1189 within covid-19 AP1189 has previously been tested in the model (see J Immunol.

They show virus neutralization and competitive binding activity towards hemagglutinin of influenza H1N1 strains A/California/07/2009 and A/New Caledonia/20/1999, and also towards the H5N1 strain A/Vietnam/1203/2004. * synact pharma applies for patent for ap1189 within covid-19 AP1189 has previously been tested in the model (see J Immunol. 194:3381-8, 2015), and in the new dataset filed with the patent application the compound, at a sub maximal dose was given in combination with MTX. * synact pharma files patent application for combination of ap1189 and methotrexate for treatment of ra and other arthritic diseases SynAct meddelar den 3 april 2020 att bolaget ansöker om patent för AP1189 inom COVID-19. SynAct publicerar den 7 april 2020 kallelse till årsstämma.
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SynAct Pharma publicerar Bokslutskommuniké 2020 - IPOhub

Bolagets ambition är att genomföra en fas II-studie med AP1189 på patienter med aktiv artrit (inflammatorisk ledsjukdom), för att sedan teckna kommersiella avtal med ett eller flera större läkemedelsbolag. SynAct strengthens IP portfolio - Receives "Intention to Grant" from the European Patent Office for a key patent covering AP1189 English version: 13-04: SynAct stärker IP-portföljen och får "Intention to Grant" från Europas patentverk för ett centralt patent som täcker AP1189: 18-03 2020-04-01 - 2020-06-30 (andra kvartalet)Koncernens nettoomsättning uppgick till 0 (0) TSEK.Koncernens resultat efter finansiella poster uppgick till -5 879 ( -7 257) TS The patients will be dosed with either 100 mg AP1189 or Placebo in a 2:1 randomization in up to 24 patients. Following approval by the Danish Medicinal Agency (DMA) and the local Ethical Committee the company now announces that the study has been initiated. For details related to the study see

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SynAct Pharma Announces Positive Interim Phase 2 Data of

AP1189 acetate is not in stock, may be available through custom synthesis. For cost-effective reason, minimum 1 gram order is requested. The product will be characterized by NMR, HPLC and MS analysis. Purity (HPLC) is usually >98%. The company’s research and patents are based on the endogenous hormone melanocortin, which is activated in inflammatory conditions and contributes with anti-inflammatory effects, which are important components of the healing process and for recovery to normal tissue function. SynAct’s drug candidate AP1189 stimulates, SynAct Pharma AB ("SynAct") today announced that the European Patent Office (EPO) issued an “Intention to grant” for SynAct’s patent application covering the company’s leading drug candidate AP1189 in meth

Torbjørn Bjerke - SynAct Pharma

According to USPTO patent law, a design patent is granted to any person who has invented any new and non To patent an idea is a dream come true for the inspiring inventor as it protects individual products or process from being traded, sold, or recreated. A patent is a legal document that is granted to the first to file on a particular inventi A patent is a grant of property rights to an invention. A patent prevents others from using, making, or selling a specific invention within the U.S. Paul has been a respected figure in the financial markets for more than two decades. Prior When it comes to protecting your intellectual property, patents and trademarks are essential. Learn about patents, patent searches, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets in these resources and guides.

Delårsrapporten finns tillgänglig som bifogat dokument samt på bolagets hemsida (www.synactph The company, which develops novel medicine for the treatment of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis based on its patented melanocortin receptor technology and relies heavily on the inventions AP1189 and AP1030 based on this patent, emerged from 2012 with a deficit of DKK 1.757m (USD 310,000) after tax, according to its annual report. SynAct Pharmas läkemedelskandidat AP1189 har i prekliniska studier visat sig både bromsa inflammationsutveckling och bidra till snabbare läkning av inflammationen.