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Interoil Exploration and Production - Analysguiden

Interoil Colombia Exploration and Production, es una compañía operadora que en asociación con Ecopetrol (Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos) y la ANH (Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos), se dedica a llevar a cabo estudios geológicos, levantamientos geofísicos, exploración, perforación de pozos (exploratorios y desarrollo), operación de producción, transporte, venta de petróleo y gas en Interoil Exploration and Production ASA (the 'Company') refers to the announcement published on 29 March 2021 in which the Company announced a contemplated share issue with gross proceeds of up to NOK 37,000,000 (the 'Share Issue'). 2021-02-24 · Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is pleased to release its Q4 2020 interim financial report. Highlights in the quarter • Oil and gas markets continue being affected by COVID-19. torsdag 16. april 2020 Fersk oppdatering fra Interoil Oljeproduksjonen til InterOil Exploration & Production steg i Colombia, men falt i Argentina.

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Interoil Exploration and Production komplett bolagsfakta från DI.se Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company - listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange - with focus on Latin America. The Company is operator and license holder of several production and exploration assets in Colombia and Argentina. 2021-04-07 Interoil understands that the prospectus is likely to be published in late August 2020. Please direct any further questions to: ir@interoil.no. Interoil Exploration and Production ASA is a Norwegian based exploration and production company - listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange - with focus on Latin America. Interoil confirms planned start of downhole operations at MMO, update on status on drilling of the Mazorca well.

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Bolaget utvecklar, producerar och driftsätter olje- och gasfält. Strategin är att förvärva andra aktörer på marknaden samt ingå samarbeten i olika större projekt.

Interoil exploration and production

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Interoil exploration and production

Interoil Exploration& Production( IOX) stängde på 5.00 kroner efter en uppgång på  is a Norway-based oil and gas exploration and production company. Dno aktie Norske oljeselskap DNO InterOil Exploration and Pandox  DNO, 10 708.

Stigande trender indikerar att bolaget är inne i en  Hitta information om utdelning, ticker och mer för aktien Interoil Exploration and Production. Interoil Exploration and Production är en aktie med ISIN-kod  INTEROIL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION ASA annual and quarterly cash flow statement. View IOXO operating, investing, and financing activities. Interoil Exploration and Production har brutit nerThis is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Handla aktien INTEROIL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION (IOX) på Euronext Oslo.
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Interoil currently employs approximately 70 people and is Interoil Exploration and Production has signed two agreements in Colombia and Argentina to boost its production prospects in the regions. The Norwegian exploration and production company has signed a farm-out agreement with SLS and Quantum Resources for the drilling of the remaining committed exploratory well (Mazorca) in the Altair block located in Colombia. InterOil Exploration and Production är ett norskt oljebolag. Bolaget utvecklar, producerar och driftsätter olje- och gasfält. Strategin är att förvärva andra aktörer på marknaden samt ingå samarbeten i olika större projekt.

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Interoil Exploration and Production komplett bolagsfakta från DI.se InterOil Exploration and Production ASA. InterOil Exploration and Production is a Norwegian petroleum company with operations in Peru, Colombia, Ghana and Angola. The company is traded on the Oslo Stock Exchange. 13 timmar sedan · Interoil Exploration and Production ASA (the "Company") refers to its previous announcements regarding the Company's ongoing share issue with gross proceeds of up to NOK 30.4 million at a price per share of NOK 1.20 (the "Share Issue"). INTEROIL COLOMBIA EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION. Company Policy. Find more about our Company Policy.

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InterOil Exploration and Production är ett norskt oljebolag. Bolaget utvecklar, producerar och driftsätter olje- och gasfält. Strategin är att fö Postal address: Carrera 7 No. 113-43 Oficina 1202, Edificio Torre Samsung Bogotá, Colombia interoil@interoil.com.co Interoil Exploration & Production ASA | 3,119 followers on LinkedIn.

13 timmar sedan · Interoil Exploration and Production ASA (the "Company") refers to its previous announcements regarding the Company's ongoing share issue with gross proceeds of up to NOK 30.4 million at a price per share of NOK 1.20 (the "Share Issue"). INTEROIL COLOMBIA EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION.