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Destroying Urgot's shield will prevent him from applying a slow to his auto attacks and Acid Hunters. Top. 3,067. 1,933. 0 Comments. Tips. How to counter Urgot as Everything you need for Urgot Top. The highest win rate Urgot build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +. LoL Patch 11.7 Urgot top has a 53.44 % win rate in Platinum + on Patch 11.7 coming in at rank 4 of 82 and graded S Tier on the LoL Tierlist.
Urgot can be disabled (silence.stun,knock-up, displacement) while channeling his ultimate. Try to at least save a disable for this. Top. 925. 827.
Best Ssn691 — Urgot Runes Top Lane
Xayah. Xerath. #doctor who · discover-detta GIF · 7-15_EUW1-3288990610_02 ranked leagueoflegends Urgot Twitch Taliyah Skarner Shyvana LeeSin Kalista Blitzcrank Bard.
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Check Urgot's stats: Games Played, Pick Rate, Win Rate, and more. #Urgot Top played by URGOLD, #KRChallenger 700 LPPlaylist: me … New Season 11 Urgot Top Gameplay! League of legends Urgot Season 11 gameplay!💥Check out my 2 other channels: @SRO Highlights @More SRO 💥📺Stream! https: Gragas Win Ratio 59.62% Counter Viego Win Ratio 57.70% Counter Ryze Win Ratio 57.63% Counter 111,511 87,480. 58,134 46,533. Total Wins in the Top Lane. 24,985.
Urgot Build and Runes. Urgot build guide, best Urgot runes and items to use in Patch 11.7. This Urgot Top Lane build for LoL is based on win rates and meta popularity. Use this Urgot build guide to statistically win more games in League. Guide Urgot Top League of Legends saison 11 - Retrouvez nos builds, runes et conseils pour jouer le Broyeur, qui coûte 3150 Essences Bleues. Runes, itémisation, conseils et bien plus, découvrez notre guide pour jouer Urgot au poste de Top Laner sur League of Legends. Urgot's auto outranges a good few top laners so you can get some good quick pokes in.
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> Urgot. Overview.
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How to counter Urgot as Aatrox. No tips found.
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3. Core Build. Goredrinker. Plated Steelcaps. Ravenous Hydra.